Used cars

The “aCars Used Cars trading” established in 2007, specialised in buying and selling brand new or used cars in the city of Thessaloniki.

In aCars you may reach luxury used cars covering the variety of automotive companies, including the top ones such us Ferrari, Bentley, Jaguar, Porche e.t.c.

aCars offers car solutions of all kind, such us city, sports, limouzines, jeeps, sedans e.t.c.

Our commitment consists of reliability and high quality fleet in very competitive prices.

Please dot not hesitate to visit us wether your are interested in selling or buying a car or motorcycle.

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 used cars ferrari used cars Jaguar

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address: 15, K.Karamanli & Katsimidi road, Thessaloniki

tel./ fax: 2310 925727



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